Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Totaly kicked some keyboard ass today!Past few days have been sooo slow on these sites,pecking away at the keys ,filling out the same info on what looks like the same screen over and over only to have the site say your hard work and effort was for nill,OFFER DENIED!!So far,on dealbarbiepays,im 25 approved and 19 denied.not a verry good ratio.But im learning all the time!New thing I learned,the higher the value of the payout,the less likely it will approve.Henceforth,an email poped up in my toolbar that dealbarbiepays was offering a contest for today only,if you got 10 ofers to approve till 10:00 pm,you would get an extra dollar.The owner of the site likes to pop up with new contests all the time.So,I think I have an extra dollar comming to my account.I also tested out my paypal account today as I cashed out from dealbarbiepaysfast.$!will post proof sometime!I applied the same principal to cash pirate (the low buck items pay more readily)as you can see on the banner.I have quite a few offers complete on that site as well.Another thing you can do is the PTC (paid to click)ads.they only pay .01 cent down to .0025 cents,but you only have to click on the banner or link and view the site for 30 seconds down to 10 seconds.On DBP ,you can do 4 pages of them everyday.Sure,its only 15 cents a day but add it up over a month and its all FREE MONEY!Add in the daily surveys that pay a buck or so a day,(otx always pays for me)you got at least 4 bucks a day for mabey 2 hours work,(WORK is a four letter word)I can do these while watching TV.Now,if only I can get some referrals,thats where the residual income comes in.I think Im going to reinvest my earnings into advertising so I can get some referrals.Oh,the k7 phone service is a GODSEND!It works Great!It notifies you if someone left a message and you can listen to it if u want(WAV file) or tell them to take a hike!